Celebrating Labor Day with the Stars and Stripes encourages all citizens to proudly display their American flags on September 2, 2024, when we celebrate Labor Day.Labor Day is often thought to be a celebration of the final days of the summer season. However, Labor Day actually celebrates and honors the contributions of American workers towards our country's strength and prosperity. Labor Day is unique because it honors the accomplishments of the American people in the working class, while other national holidays commemorate victo
Aug 24, 2024
Memorial Day: A Tribute to Heroes through Flags
What is Memorial Day?
When is Memorial Day?
What is the History of Memorial Day?
Flag Flying & Half-Staff Holiday
3 Ways to Honor Memorial Day Traditions
Memorial Day vs Veterans Day
Stay UpdatedWhat is Memorial Day?
Memorial Day 2024 is coming up, and it's important to remember that this holiday is more than just an extended weekend. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for the brave American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice while honorably serving our country.
May 24, 2024
Why are the American flags reversed on military uniforms?
We get a lot of questions about the American flag sometimes being displayed with the stars facing towards the back of the flag, rather than towards the front, on military uniforms. This is known as "reversing" the flag. There are a few reasons why the American flag is reversed on military uniforms. One reason is that the flag is typically worn on the right shoulder of a military uniform, with the stars facing toward the front of the person wearing the uniform. When the flag is displayed in
Dec 29, 2022
The History of the Pledge of Allegiance
The History of the Pledge of Allegiance Before today's version, there was a version that was
created by Captain George T. Balch, a veteran of the Civil War and teacher of
patriotism in New York City schools. Balch’s version, “We give our heads and
hearts to God and our country; one country; one language; one flag!” was embraced
by many schools, DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), and GAR (Grand
Army of the Republic). This version was used until 1923 when the National Flag
Dec 22, 2019
Teach Your Kids about the American Flag
When as a kid, our parents used to hang the flag carefully from our front porch, it used to fill me and my siblings with all pride and excitement. The holiday and the schools are a great opportunity to teach your kids about the importance of the American flag. At the same time, it is important to make sure that you follow the rules of proper American flag etiquette - because its vital for all of us to know how to treat the American flag with respect.THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEI pledge allegiance to
Nov 18, 2019
Proclamation to Honor Victims in El Paso, TX & Dayton, OH
Issued: August 4, 2019
Our Nation mourns with those whose loved ones were murdered in the tragic shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, and we share in the pain and suffering of all those who were injured in these two senseless attacks. We condemn these hateful and cowardly acts. Through our grief, America stands united with the people of El Paso and Dayton. May God be with the victims of these two horrific crimes and bring aid and comfort to their families and friends. As a mar
Aug 05, 2019
Decorating For Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor the men and
women who sacrificed their lives while serving our country. It is observed on
the last Monday of May. This year, Memorial Day falls on Monday, May 28th.
Memorial Day became an official federal holiday in 1971, but has been
celebrated long before it became official. Memorial
Day, then known as Decoration Day, came about after the Civil War. The leader
of the Northern Civil War Veterans organization requested that there be a remembr
May 22, 2019
The untold story behind the other Confederate flag
For the past 150-some years, while the Confederate battle flag has monopolized attention with its corrosive symbolism and inflammatory bluster, a different, largely unknown Confederate flag -- the Confederate Flag of Truce, which the South used in the process of surrendering to the North -- has been quietly waiting for its moment in the spotlight. That moment is now.Hoping to start a new conversation around the Civil War artifact, textile and social practice artist Sonya Clark has conceived a ma
Apr 15, 2019