At Flags.com, we take immense pride in our loyal customers. That's why we've crafted our exclusive loyalty program, where every purchase earns you valuable Patriot Points. Whether you're purchasing our iconic American flags or any other products from our catalog, you can earn points with every checkout. Embrace the rewards of loyalty and sign up today!

At Flags.com, we take immense pride in our loyal customers. That's why we've crafted our exclusive loyalty program, where every purchase earns you valuable Patriot Points. Whether you're purchasing our iconic American flags or any other products from our catalog, you can earn points with every checkout. Embrace the rewards of loyalty and sign up today!
With every point earned, you get closer to moving up a tier.
The higher the tier, the better the rewards.
Starting Tier
Receive $1.00 of store credit for every 100 points
Access to special Bronze tier promotions
1500 Points Earned/
$300 Spent
Receive $1.00 of store credit for every 100 points
Bonus: Receive a 1 time only $10.00 store credit
Access to special Silver tier promotions

Gold Elite
5000 Points Earned/
$1000 Spent
Receive $1.00 of store credit for every 100 points
Bonus: Receive a 1 time only $25.00 store credit
Access to special Gold Elite promotions
Receive exclusive free shipping codes
With every point earned, you get closer to moving up a tier. The higher the tier, the better the rewards.
Starting Tier
Receive $1.00 of store credit for every 100 points
Access to special Bronze tier promotions
1500 Points Earned/
$300 Spent
Receive $1.00 of store credit for every 100 points
Bonus: Receive a 1 time only $10.00 store credit
Access to special Silver tier promotions

Gold Elite
5000 Points Earned/
$1000 Spent
Receive $1.00 of store credit for every 100 points
Bonus: Receive a 1 time only $25.00 store credit
Access to special Gold Elite promotions
Receive exclusive free shipping codes

Create an Account
50 Points

Place an Order
5 Patriot Points per $1 Spent

Like Us
50 Points
Redeem points by logging into your account and clicking the Patriot Points icon on the bottom left of your screen.
- Login to your account
- Click the Patriot Points Widget
- Select 'Ways to Redeem'
Select the 'Redeem' button next to your preferred reward
Choose how many points to redeem and select 'Redeem'
Copy your coupon code to use during checkout
Earning points is as easy as logging into your account and placing an order. As long as you're logged into your Flags.com loyalty account, you'll automatically earn 5 points for every dollar spent. Don't have an account yet? Create a Flags.com loyalty account now.
Rest assured; your rewards only disappear once you use them. You can find your rewards under the Patriot Points Widget on the bottom left of your screen.
Don't worry; we will return your points to you! Allow 24-48 hours to see them return to your account.
Our Patriot Points do have an expiration date. They're set to expire one year after their earned date. So, please make the most of your points and treat yourself before they expire!
Points cannot be transferred between accounts. Each member's points are specific to their account and cannot be transferred to another. However, you can still enjoy using your points for rewards and benefits within your account!
For details on the Patriot Points loyalty program's guidelines and how we handle your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
We are here to help! You can contact us by reaching out to our customer service team at 800-858-8776 or customerservice@flags.com.
Redeem points by logging into your account and clicking the Patriot Points icon on the bottom left of your screen.
- Login to your account
- Click the Patriot Points Widget
- Select 'Ways to Redeem'
Select the 'Redeem' button next to your preferred reward
Choose how many points to redeem and select 'Redeem'
Copy your coupon code to use during checkout
Earning points is as easy as logging into your account and placing an order. As long as you're logged into your Flags.com loyalty account, you'll automatically earn 5 points for every dollar spent. Don't have an account yet? Create a Flags.com loyalty account now.
Rest assured; your rewards only disappear once you use them. You can find your rewards under the Patriot Points Widget on the bottom left of your screen.
Don't worry; we will return your points to you! Allow 24-48 hours to see them return to your account.
Our Patriot Points do have an expiration date. They're set to expire one year after their earned date. So, please make the most of your points and treat yourself before they expire!
Points cannot be transferred between accounts. Each member's points are specific to their account and cannot be transferred to another. However, you can still enjoy using your points for rewards and benefits within your account!
For details on the Patriot Points loyalty program's guidelines and how we handle your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
We are here to help! You can contact us by reaching out to our customer service team at 800-858-8776 or customerservice@flags.com.