Aim High: Celebrating the Birthday of the US Air Force
Today, the Air Force is one of the most significant branches of the US Armed Forces, but for an extended portion of its history, it was actually under the jurisdiction of the Army. Though the Civil War-era Balloon Corps or the first military purchase of an aircraft could have been chosen as the United States Air Force birthday, a different date is used instead.
When is the Air Force Birthday?
The birthday of the Air Force takes place each year on September 18, the day on which the Air Force was formally designated as its own branch of the US Armed Forces.
History of the US Air Force
The United States first used aeronautical devices in warfare during the Civil War when the Union Army Balloon Corps provided aerial reconnaissance. A dedicated aerial department wasn’t established until 1907, when the US military purchased its first aircraft as part of the Signal Corps, a branch of the Army that manages communications.
Until 1947, the Air Force was still formally part of the Army. However, during World War II, the Air Force operated with a high degree of independence, leading to the creation of the Department of the Air Force in the National Security Act of 1947. On September 18, 1947, the first secretary of the Air Force was sworn into office, now considered the official start date of the Air Force.
USAF Birthday Celebrations in Modern Times
The US Air Force birthday is commonly celebrated by active and former servicemembers and their families. One of the biggest celebrations is the Air Force Ball, usually held at local bases. It is a formal gala event that often raises money for charity and brings together all members of the Air Force and their spouses.
Some bases also host flyover demonstrations, in which servicemembers perform air shows in their aircraft. These events may also include demonstrations of aircraft on the ground.
This year marks the 77th birthday of the USAF. If you would like to participate, reach out to your local Air Force base to find out if any events are being held. Be sure to fly your American flag high at home - the Air Force’s birthday is a flag-flying holiday! If you or a loved one served, consider flying the flag of the Air Force as well to celebrate your connection.
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