

VE "Victory Over Europe" Day

VE "Victory Over Europe" Day marks the formal acceptance by the Allied Forces of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender.Prior to the surrender of the German Nazi forces, Adolf Hitler and his new bride (and longtime mistress), Eva Braun, committed suicide, which left the Nazi's under the control of General Karl Dönitz. Dönitz negotiated for surrender in hopes that the Allies would prove more lenient than their Soviet adversaries and their leader, Josef Stalin. Unfortunately for Dön …
May 07, 2023 Ashley L.

Ms. Veterans American Pageant taking place on October 13th

The Ms. Veterans American Pageant is to be held on October 13th in Hollywood, California. By no means is this your average beauty pageant, since all proceeds go towards supporting homeless women veterans.The competition is judged based on four areas. They include interview, talent, military history, and advocacy. The contestant’s presentation affects the contestant’s score includes poise, grace, confidence, personality, as well as interaction and participation within the contest. Every judge is …
Oct 10, 2019 Staff

How to Dispose of Your Worn American Flag

Flying American flags is a constitutional right and a privilege that Americans do not take for granted. Showing pride and love to our great nation, while honoring the men and women who have fought and are currently fighting for our freedom is just a small part of why we fly the United States flag. The US flag is a living entity and is treated as such. It has its own code and guidelines written to protect the integrity of the flag. While the flag is a living thing and represents a living countr …
Apr 25, 2019 Staff

The Fight Against Non-American Made Flags

In January, a consumer contacted FMAA regarding an American flag he had purchased on Amazon from a company called VSVO. The flag he received carried the FMAA certification label and he wanted to make sure that FMAA had certified this company's products.An FMAA member then purchased one of these flags and it also arrived bearing the FMAA certification label. After a little online research, it was confirmed that VSVO is incorporated and manufactures in China. VSVO is not a member of FMAA and FMA …
Mar 28, 2019 Flag Manufacturers Association of America

​Do you know where your American flag is being made?

The Flag Manufacturers Association of America urges the American consumer to be aware that marketplace sellers on the internet use deceptive wording to disguise the true “country of origin” when advertising a United States flag product. (Wayne, PA, July 24, 2018) . . . The Flag Manufacturers Association of America (FMAA) and its member companies have mobilized to create an awareness campaign that seeks to inform the American public about the steps for identifying authentic vs. inauthe …
Jan 07, 2019 Flag Manufacturers Association of America

FLAGS.COM Has a new look!

DELRAY BEACH, FLA--(AUGUST 2, 2018) -, an American-based flag retailer headquartered in Delray Beach, Florida, has unveiled a new brand identity, logo, and website. The rebrand offers a new look and feel for the family-run company, while sticking to their classic red, white, and blue color palette, an homage to their American roots.The cornerstone of the new brand is’s redesigned logo, which features a waving three-dimensional flag design as a bold and recognizable mark steep …
Aug 01, 2018 FLAGS.COM

July 4th 2015

56 men forever changed the course of American history with the Declaration of Independence 239 years ago!  We can thank them and the multitude of individuals who have fought to preserve the freedom we as a nation took for ourselves on that fateful day!In order to further honor them in your celebrations, we hope you will purchase you party supplies and food from companies who sell American made products. Here are some suggestions:Breyer's Ice CreamDixie plates, cups, and napkinsFrench's Must …
Jun 21, 2015 Mariah C